Welcome to Xavier Mission!
Xavier Mission is a FOR-IMPACT organization providing basic services as well as opportunities for empowerment and self-sufficiency to New Yorkers in need. We prefer the term “for-impact” rather than “non-profit”, as we would rather be defined by what we DO than what we don’t do.
Since 1983, Xavier Mission has welcomed, served, and empowered our guests with dignity and respect. Founded by the Church of St. Francis Xavier, in 2012 we became an independent, secular, for-impact organization. Today, Xavier Mission operates five community outreach programs that provide a continuum of services to those facing difficult times.
Each individual program provides an opportunity for our guests to take a step towards achieving safety, stability, and self-sufficiency, and works in collaboration with our other programs to offer holistic care and support.
Thank you for your interest in Xavier Mission. We look forward to seeing you soon!
Years of Service
Team Members
Unending Love
Our Team
Board of Members
Fr. Kenneth Boller, S.J., Chair
Pastor, Church of St. Francis Xavier
Charles S. Mattingly, Esq.
The Corcoran Group
Paula Sarro, Esq.
Mercy Center
Board of Directors
Dawn Besthoff, President & Chair
The NYC Law Department (Ret.)
Cassandra L. Agredo, LMSW, Ex officio
Executive Director, Xavier Mission
Diana Bernal
D2B Consulting, LLC
Francesca Cugliari
NBC Universal (Ret)
Robert J. Diehl, CFA
J.P. Morgan Private Bank
Joseph Gentile, Esq.
Sarraf Gentile LLP
Vaishali Javeri, Esq.
Justine Kahn
The Door
Pamela Kaczor, R.N., B.S., C.A.L.A.
Springpoint: Winchester Gardens
Matthew LaFargue, Vice-Chair
Michael Kors (Ret.)
Harry Francisco Lewis Escobar
Grupo APEX
Bo Lewke
Virtu Financial
James MacGregor, Treasurer
Alliance Bernstein Global
Nandini Nair, Esq.
L&T Technology Services
Debbie Ries
DAPR Group
Associate Board
Dave Caracta
Nomura Securities International
Joel Cohen
Natalie Davis
Account Executive & Software Developer
Jon Jackson
Ashleigh Christina Lovett,
Senior Humanitarian Policy Advisor & Advocate
Alex Liao
Felipe Cuartas
Gabriel Mathews
Business Development, Technology & Private Equity
Ryan Phillips, Co-Chair
Deloitte Consulting
Jobs & Board Opportunities
Xavier Mission looks for energetic, hard-working people who are interested in serving their community and gaining valuable professional experience.
The following employment opportunities are available:
None are available at this time.
To apply for Job Openings & Internships:
Submit a resume and a cover letter detailing your qualifications for the specific position to the Executive Director at:
cagredo@xaviermission.org OR
Cassandra Agredo
Xavier Mission
55 West 15th St.
New York, NY 10011
Please mark your e-mail subject line or letter with the position title.
The following volunteer-based board opportunities are available: