To make a cash donation:

  • Please leave cash in an envelope with the receptionist at 55 West 15th St.
  • Indicate “Xavier Mission” on the front of the envelope.
  • If you wish to receive an acknowledgment, please leave a note with your name and address in the envelope.

To make a donation by check:

  • Please make the check out to “Xavier Mission”
  • Checks can be left at the reception desk at 55 West 15th St. or mailed to:

Xavier Mission
Attn: Cassandra Agredo
55 West 15th St.
New York, NY 10011

Automatic Payroll Deduction

Many state and local governments – and even some private corporations – offer employees the opportunity to make charitable contributions through payroll deduction. Xavier Mission can receive payroll deductions via the United Way of New York City, Benevity, Truist and others. If your employer participates in automatic payroll deduction, consider making a regular, lasting donation to Xavier Mission.

Corporate Matching Gifts

Thousands of companies have matching gift programs that double or even triple the amount of your donation! This is your opportunity to increase the impact of your gift, at no cost to you.

To find out if your employer has a Matching Gift Program, please use the tool below to search for your company:

Benefits You Receive from Your Gift of Stock

The gift of an appreciated asset is a powerful way to support Xavier Mission’s work. In addition to receiving a tax-deduction, most importantly you’ll be satisfied in knowing that your gift is directly helping thousands of low-income and homeless men, women and children in New York City.

Your gift of securities will also entitle you to a charitable deduction when you itemize your tax returns. And in the case of appreciated securities, you may deduct the full fair market value of your gift if you have held onto the securities for at least one year. You may use your deduction up to 30 percent of your adjusted gross income and are permitted to carry any unused deduction forward for up to five additional years. In addition, you will avoid paying capital gains tax on all stock that you donate to Xavier Mission.

To Make a Gift of Stock or Securities:

To make a gift of stock, you can authorize your stock broker or your bank to complete the transfer process.

Please pass this information along to the appropriate party:

  1. Contact our Wells Fargo representative:
    Alfred Leong
    Wells Fargo Advisors
    Private Client Group
    (212) 338-4291
  2. Provide our organization name and Tax ID number if requested:
    Xavier Mission Inc.
  3. Notify us of your gift by emailing so that we can follow up with Wells Fargo.

Contact us with any questions!

Please note: We strongly encourage you to discuss your tax situation with an attorney or accountant.

Consider making a lasting gift to those in need. Remembering Xavier Mission in your will, a trust, or through an annuity, your life insurance or retirement plan are wonderful ways that your legacy can continue to help your neighbors who need it most.

Even if you have not yet drafted your will, there are assets that you will leave behind that you can consider including Xavier Mission in as a beneficiary.

Charitable Bequest:

The most common planned gift is a bequest through your will or living trust. You can arrange a gift of a specific amount, a percentage, or even all or part of the residuum of your estate. If you would like to make such a gift to Xavier Mission, your attorney may wish to include language similar to the following:

“I give, devise, and bequeath to Xavier Mission Inc., now or formerly in the City of New York, 55 West 15th St., in the State of New York, [dollar amount, percentage, or ___ percent of the rest, residue, and remainder of my estate] to be used for its general purposes.”

Retirement & IRA Plans:

You can also name Xavier Mission Inc., 55 West 15th St. New York, NY 10011, as a beneficiary or contingent beneficiary in your retirement plan, IRA, or 401(k).  It’s easy, requires no attorneys or fees, and is tax advantageous!  Simply ask your fund administrator for the beneficiary designation form and decide the portion of your retirement savings you wish to leave to Xavier Mission.

Life Insurance

Similarly, consider adding Xavier Mission as a beneficiary of your life insurance policy – funding the Mission’s lifesaving work well into the future.

Additional Information

For more information on how you can make a planned gift to Xavier Mission, please contact our Director of Development, Marin Correa, at

If you’re making a planned gift to Xavier Mission, you may need the following information:

Legal Name
Xavier Mission Inc.

Legal Address
55 West 15th St. New York, NY 10011

Employer Identification Number (EIN)

Nonprofit Status
501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation

Date Established
August 2012

Support Xavier Mission just by shopping online!

Do you use Amazon? Go to Amazon Smile instead and enter Xavier Mission as your designated charity. It’s the same website as Amazon, but with a charitable kick – a percentage of every purchase will be donated back to the Mission!

From masks to mugs, check us out for some quality Xavier Mission swag!